Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Alex's Roasted Tomatoes Starter

I have made a promise to myself that the dishes i put on here are tried and tested, amazing dishes.  This dish, on its face, does not sound all that great.  It is extremely simple but has always impressed anyone that has eaten it.  It was entered into my book by a Canadian housemate a few years ago.  It really is simplicity at its complete finest. 


Vine Baby Tomatoes 
Sprigs of fresh Rosemary
Fresh Sage leaves
Fresh Garlic
Good Olive Oil
Balsamic Vinegar
Salt and Pepper to taste


Literally bang it all on a tray and put in a hot oven.  Don't bother peeling the Garlic or plucking the tomatoes.  This adds to the rustic feel of the dish.  Just cut a few cloves in half (or a whole bulb if you like garlic, it is definitely my preference) and place it on the tray.  Throw on a couple of the Rosemary sprigs and a few Sage leaves.  Line the tomatoes up and sprinkle with salt and pepper.  Finally drizzle a whole load of olive oil all over it.  A good few glugs as this is what takes on all the flavours and will be mopped up with fresh bread.  Splash on some balsamic and its good to go.  Take it out when the vines of the tomatoes are about to burn and the Garlic pods are falling out (about 30 - 40 minutes). 

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