Friday, 8 January 2010

The not so significant trips...

Its not so much that they aren't significant, more that there not worth me writing a great deal on and uploading photos for... These will tend to be family holidays when I was real young or very short trips away.

so with family we pretty much never left the country, our only trip abroad being once to America.  Well and I have been to Goa a couple of times with my Dad but ill put that in a seperate post with some photos later.  The others are quite short trips such as Dublin (Ireland), Edingburgh (Scotland), Lourdes (France), Malia (Greece) and Cologne (Germany).

America was pretty kool, though i was probably to young (about 13 years old) to really appreciate it but i do remember it was the first time i ever saw a chinese buffet eat as much as you like! heaven... Being with the rents meant I wasnt really on much of a shoe string budget (which i never really appreciated until i went travelling without them!) so we did the lot, travelling around california.  Universal studios, Hollywood, Shamu, Disney World, Grand Kanyon, it goes on! All round pretty damn good holiday.

Edinburgh was only last year for new years eve(starting 2009) we went down for Hogmanay.  A friend has university accomodation there so we spent a couple days and nights.  Foods good, beautiful city and Hogmanay made for a great experience...

The rest, well theres not much to say really, some were school trips, some were lads holidays. All great experiences but nothing significant to write about.  :o)

1 comment:

  1. Hiya! thanks for your comment!
    I also experienced Edinburgh's Hogmanay this year and it was great and the city was very beautiful, it's actually on my list of places to go back to :)

    p.s. love the new lay-out of your blog!
