Monday, 24 May 2010

Warwick in Africa...

In less than two months from now I will be heading off to Africa to teach Maths to the poor kids of Ghana.  As I have mentioned, Warwick are paying every single expence for me to go... from flight tickets to yellow fever jabs (which cost £50 and last yeeaaars!).  But they did mention that we may choose to fundraise money for us to personally spend on teaching equipment, resources and stuff for the kids in Ghana.  This could be pens, pencils and calculators through to blackboards and sports equipment.  Currently I have raised £370 by means of a generous family and charity events that I have held.  I will keep a log on here to show what the money is being spent on as and when it is spent.

Warwick University have just launched their promotional video today (Link above) to raise money for the whole Warwick in Afica project and having just watched it, I realise how lucky I am to be part of something so powerful.  It really is a great project, please check it out...  :o)

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